Category: Books

Top 10 diary literary works

Sometimes a talented writer can allow himself a little self-reliance, so that we, ordinary readers, have the opportunity to observe the development of the plot through the eyes of the characters of the work, evaluate their character, make our own judgments about their actions, without resorting to text from the author. Like ...

Top 10 best works of Jane Austen

A classic of English literature, an unsurpassed master of the word, whose books are now in great demand, is Jane Austen. Interestingly, contemporaries did not appreciate her work, believing that she was talking about ordinary people. Her works are very realistic and ordinary, to someone ...

10 best comic book adaptations

Comics in the West is a kind of analogue of our folk tales, only if we mainly focus on magic and folklore, then comics have more science fiction. The first adaptations appeared more than half a century ago, and now films based on graphic stories regularly become champions ...

Top 10 shortest stories by A.P. Chekhov

The stories of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov cannot be confused with the stories of other authors - in them he primarily focuses on the character traits of the heroes and their surrounding life. Let's find out together which Chekhov’s shortest stories, and we’ll read them with pleasure. Chekhov said: “Brevity is a sister ...

10 exciting time travelers

Science is not omnipotent; there are things that are not subject to it. Many works have been written on this subject, some of which have become classics of literature. 10. This writer is considered one of the founders of American fiction. His first books corresponded to the traditional canons of science fiction, ...

Top 10 Disaster Stories

If a few years ago, few people thought about books and the benefits of reading, now there are much more reading people. Of course, glossy magazines and news feeds on social networks do not count. Of course, young people are unlikely to be interested in War and Peace or Dead Souls. Most young men ...

10 books similar to Twilight

A fantastic world hiding behind colorful covers immerses everyone who opens it. And all this can be found on their pages ... For those who have already read the entire series of novels, we have collected 10 books similar to Twilight, we hope that they will also be interesting to you. 10. Name ...

10 books similar to "Harry Potter"

Many in the modern world love Harry Potter. In this article, 10 books will be offered, to one degree or another, similar to the work of Joan Rowling "Harry Potter". List 10. The Hunger Games book series by Susan Collins 9. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan ...

10 books similar to “My Best Enemy”

The heartbreaking novel by Eli Frey “My best enemy” about friendship and unbearable cruelty after, of course, won the hearts of millions of readers around the globe. Such stories cannot but touch because of their truthfulness and unpredictability at the same time. This article contains Russian (and ...

10 books similar to 50 Shades of Gray

Erotic love story "50 shades of gray" by Erica Leonard James captivates from the first pages and holds to the very end. Let's look at the contents of each in order. 10. Fifty shades of Dorian Gray. Oscar Wilde The book takes place in the Victorian era. Dorian ...

10 books similar to “50 Days Before My Suicide”

Is it worth living if there is no meaning in life? If this is a life where no one needs you — neither your father (cheating on your mother), nor your mother (renounces you and drinks heavily), or even your grandmother (finds himself a twenty-five year old boyfriend as husband). The girl’s conclusions are sad - such a life is not worth its continuation. ...

10 books to help you find your destination

Perhaps the main thing in this life is to find what it is worth living for. Consider 10 books that help people find goals, motivation and fully experience the taste of life. List 10. “Important years. Why you shouldn’t put off your life until later ”, Meg Jay 9.“ Do it yourself ”, Tina Silig ...

10 books that teach you to think wider

Books are like drugs, only legally and safely. Books expand consciousness, help to look at the world differently, give answers to the most complex, sacred, philosophical questions. Finding the right book at the right time is worth a lot. Books are able to change the worldview, break the shackles ...

10 books that you must read before you turn 30

Books are the priceless wealth a person possesses. So, below are 10 books that you must read before you are 30 years old. 10. To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee This novel came out of the pen of the American writer Harper Lee in 1960. The work is written ...

10 children's books that were banned for very ridiculous reasons

Who in childhood did not like fairy tales? The magical world of fairy tales and childhood always go hand in hand. And children just read fairy tales, imagining themselves in the place of heroes in a fantasy world. 10. Carlson, who lives on the roof - Astrid Lindgren's Story Carlson, who lives on the roof, is part of the trilogy ...

10 best books by Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho is known to all book lovers and even people who rarely read. The author was born in Brazil in 1947, and from childhood he wanted to become a writer. Despite the misunderstanding of his parents, Paulo developed his talent, and published his first book in 1987. It was called The Diary ...

The best books of Valentin Pikul

Valentin Savvich Pikul (1928 - 1990) is a bright and original writer of the 20th century, telling about domestic history and historical figures in a simple and understandable language. The list of Pikul's most popular books includes about 20 novels. Valentin Savich was born in Leningrad. In 1942, having survived the first ...

Top 10 best books by Daria Dontsova

One of the most popular works of modern detective genre are books Dontsova. Every fan of Daria Dontsova must wear something new and interesting for herself. 10. Little Auntie’s Lodge “Auntie’s Lodge” opens a list of Dontsova’s best books. The main character of the work ...

The most mysterious and mysterious books in the history of mankind

Riddles and mysteries attract attention from people. Admit it, everyone at least once in their life was interested in touching a secret or trying to unravel a particular secret. Come on! Otherworldly life, the essence of being, the transmigration of souls, a deal with the devil, predictions ...