Category: Cities and countries

Top 10 largest cities in the world by population

By 2050, almost 10 billion people will live in the world, two thirds of whom will live in cities. As the transition from rural to urban continues, the network of megacities around the world is expanding rapidly. Today, in the 20 largest cities in the world, nearly half a billion people live, ...

Top 10 largest cities in China - the real giants of the planet

If you like the atmosphere of large and rapidly growing cities, then China is what you need. Feel the noise of urbanization in the fastest growing country in the history of the planet. If you visit this country, you can feel the excitement of life in some of the most densely populated places on Earth. ...

Top 10 largest cities in the USA

America is one of the most developed nations in the world. The highest levels of economics, living standards, and respect for human rights and freedoms have made the United States a dream for many expats. Cities are in full swing, growing at an incredible pace, and high salaries help ...

Top 10 largest cities in Europe

The population of Europe is about 9 of the total population of the Earth - this is about 700 million people who live in 50 states. The largest cities are mainly their capitals. The average population density is 69.3 h / km². We bring to your attention a list of the 10 most ...

10 interesting facts about different countries of the world

In 2018, there were 252 countries in the world. This list includes independent states, dependent territories and with a special position ... It is not at all necessary to delve into politics to understand that they all differ in legislation, traditions and history. This article will discuss interesting ...

Top 10 interesting facts about Canada

Canada is a huge country. There are so many things in it that you can’t count. But in short, Canada is famous for Five Lakes, hockey, hot springs, Niagara Falls, pristine rivers and lakes (in general, nature), and, of course, maple syrup (maple syrup is sold in Canada ...

Top 10 interesting facts about England

What do we know about England? The weather is constantly bad there, the British drink tea five times a day and have humor incomprehensible to residents of other countries. However, besides all of the above, it has a lot of interesting things that make it unique. The United Kingdom is the largest ...

Top 10 interesting facts about London

The capital and largest city of Great Britain - London - is a special place that attracts Russian billionaires and tourists from all over the Earth. This city has a good comfortable life, climate, loyalty to its traditions, unique museums, etc. But this city is comfortable for those who ...

Top 10 interesting facts about Belarus

Even close neighbors do not know much about Belarus. And people from the “far abroad” are often interested in where this mysterious country is located and what it is like. Belarus is an amazing country with beautiful villages, virgin forests and a friendly, hospitable culture....

Top 10 interesting facts about Spain

A country of bullfighting, burning beauties, wine and beaches, it has a rich culture and nature. These things can be told for a long time, in detail and interestingly, but we decided to limit ourselves to the ten most interesting facts about Spain. 10. One of the most mountainous countries in Europe. The most distinctive ...

Top 10 countries with the highest salaries in the world

There are many reasons why people emigrate to another country. Some are transferred abroad by the employer, others follow their partner, and some simply look for work that brings them more money. Are you looking for opportunities to work abroad? To help you find out what ...

Top 10 most interesting facts about Greece

Most of us know that Greece is the original cradle of European civilization. It is here that the conditional border between Europe and Asia is outlined, as well as the beginning of such important concepts as culture, democracy and European values. In this country, everywhere it smells ...

Top 10 most interesting facts about France

France is a very interesting country. For hundreds of years of its existence, it has developed a unique culture, customs and history. Much is already known to everyone. For example, millions of tourists come to Paris every year to enjoy the Eiffel Tower and eat a croissant in a nearby cafe....

Top 10 interesting facts about Moscow

The main city of Russia, Moscow, is a must-see destination for foreign tourists interested in the life and culture of Russians. The city went through troubled times and even lost its status as a capital, but after the Bolshevik government moved here from St. Petersburg in 1918, ...

Top 10 countries with the highest population density

In the ranking of countries with the highest population density, Russia takes 181 place (Ukraine in 100th place) due to its huge size and not so large number of inhabitants. And in which countries is it the other way around? Where are many people and not enough space? Now find out which country has the highest density ...