Category: People and animals

Photos and facts about the amazing eyes of spiders

Spiders settled on all continents except Antarctica. Now there are more than 42 thousand species. These living creatures, which appeared on the earth millions of years ago, are so peculiar that they were separated into a separate family. Each species of arachnids has its own characteristics of the structure of the body. They differ among themselves ...

The loudest star cuming outs

It is possible that someday the descendants will talk about our time: "The era of the numerous come-outs." So many people who suddenly wished to "get out of the dark," as the term coming out literally translates from English, and reveal their belonging to a minority, sexual or ...

The largest pigeons in the world

With the easy presentation of the artist Pablo Picasso after the Second World War, the dove became a symbol of peace, although even in antiquity these birds were the personification of purity and were considered messengers of God. Breeding work has led to the emergence of new decorative breeds, and in everyday life postal sizars are still used. Can ...

The winners of the Miss Universe contest in recent years

Beauty is a gift that is not given to everyone, but one who skillfully uses it can become a savior of the world. Miss Universe, the most popular beauty contest in the world, is held annually and is included in the fantastic four beauty contests. Every year, all the beauties of the world have a chance to compete for the title of "Miss ...

Who has the biggest eyes in the world

Eyes ... How many songs and poems glorify this organ of vision. You can drown in them, get lost, they fascinate, fascinate, blind. Many more enthusiastic epithets can be listed, describing the eyes, but today we will consider the anatomical component of this organ, and talk about the biggest eyes ...

The most beautiful Koreans in the world

As a rule, among the most beautiful Koreans in many ratings, there are mainly actors that are so popular all over the world. But we decided to move away from the usual patterns and dilute the list of the most attractive Koreans with representatives of other professions. Today, beautiful athletes, models, ...

The biggest catfish caught by fishermen

Every fisherman wants to catch a big fish. But such a predatory, fresh-water fish, like catfish, is not very easy to catch, and there are specimens that it is simply impossible to fish out of water alone. We’ll talk about such huge catfish, but in the end we’ll find out what is the biggest catfish in ...

Photos of the most beautiful Armenian women in history

More than 12 million Armenians live outside their homeland. Armenians, as well as representatives of the beautiful half of this amazing ethnic group, having settled around the world, glorified their homeland in various fields of human activity. In our short review today the most famous and incredible ...

The largest breeds of rabbits

According to historical sources, domesticated during the Mesolithic period of rabbits, they began to deliberately breed in the Roman Empire. In modern rabbit breeding, three main goals have been defined - obtaining tasty meat, fluff and fur. The last decades there is another direction - deductions ...

The biggest turtles in the world: photos and description

The tortoise is one of the oldest, if not the oldest, reptile on earth. The remains of turtles are found in the Cretaceous sediments of the Mesozoic era. Thus, turtles appeared on the surface of the globe somewhere 230-225 million years ago. It turns out that turtles populated the Earth at the same time as dinosaurs, ...

The most dangerous viruses in the world

The name itself, which is translated from Latin as "poison", carries a threat and danger. The life form of viruses, which exist only inside the cell of living organisms, provides them with easy mutation and adaptability. From a large army of species known to science today, we consider ...

The largest cat breeds (12 PHOTOS)

In terms of popularity on the Internet, cats, along with pandas and raccoons, occupy leading positions. Cute animals, which gave the name to a huge family of wild predators, have long been favorites in almost every home. But let’s leave the cute habits of cute cats aside, and we’ll reveal the secret which is the largest breed ...

The largest horses in the world: breeds and specimens

Since its taming by humans during the Late Paleolithic period, the horse has become a faithful companion and one of the main helpers of man. With the development of breeding work, breeds of hardy and strong animals capable of withstanding great physical exertion and long transitions began to be bred. That's about ...

The largest pig breeds in the world

Studies by historians show that pigs were domesticated by humans during the Mesolithic era about 7 thousand years ago. Today, their meat is consumed in many countries of the world, but among Muslims and Jews it is an unclean animal, and it is forbidden to eat pig meat. And today, together with consider together ...

Famous time travelers

Apart from the philosophical search for the meaning of life, mankind is concerned about three technical problems: artificial intelligence, the creation of a perpetual motion machine, time travel. The time machine has long been invented by science fiction writers, but this idea cannot be made a reality. Let us take a look back and tell ...

20 cities with the most beautiful women

Beauty criteria are subjective, because, according to one of the proverbs, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!" But there are places on the planet where the proportion of beautiful women is much higher than in other parts of the Earth. Scientists name several factors that influence this phenomenon. Among the first factors is genetic ...

10 amazing things made from cats

To take a pet and use it as a raw material for the production of any item is a rather strange idea. But there are inventors, or simply cranks, who see nothing wrong with making a cat a piano or, say, a deadly weapon. Some offer royal cats ...

The longest and largest worms in the world

Worms are one of the oldest inhabitants of our amazing planet. Their fossils are found in ancient sediments. They can be both useful and harmful, and most people simply cause disgust and even fear. Zoological science divides these animals into several large ...

The most dangerous criminals of our time

First, the parents violated the ban, and later the brother killed his brother. So the Bible tells us about the first crime, but historical science confirms earlier crimes. Archaeologists have discovered the skulls of Neanderthals with clear signs of violent death, which confirms the cannibalism of the ancients ...

The biggest birds of our planet

Have you ever wondered how big birds live on our planet? Now in the world there are from 9,300 to 10,070 species of birds. We will consider only a few, especially large individuals, among this huge variety of birds. The world of birds is amazing and multifaceted. Their diversity in nature can astound ...