Category: Psychology

10 questions that men will never ask women, although they really want

No wonder they say that man and woman are creatures from different planets. Probably, if women did not require long conversations from men about love, money, raising children, they would be limited to a few phrases: “Good morning, dear”, “What do we have for dinner?”, “Bank card in the nightstand, PIN code ...

10 reasons not to rush to marry

Some girls blindly run into the arms of a guy who made him a marriage proposal. Sometimes it’s better to stop and ask yourself and your partner serious questions that will give you answers whether it is worth making a planned marriage. Things to Watch Before Before ...

10 unexplained psychological states of man

All people, except psychopaths, are capable of experiencing emotions. But in human nature, there are other emotional and psychological states that you have not even heard of, but many of you are prone to. In our top, we will talk in detail about the 10 most unusual psychological conditions. ...

10 cruel truths that every modern woman should remember

In life, there are postulates that women should not forget about. It will also help girls to draw life experience without stepping on any rake. 10. Appearance matters. We are always met on the cover, and in the era of the reign of Instagram they also love with their eyes. Beautiful girl looks ...

10 mistakes that all parents regret

All parents want their children to be happy. Do not worry too much, no one is safe from mistakes. Many parents do things that they later regret. So most fathers admit that they did not notice how their child grew up. All because they wanted to give him ...

Karl Sewell's 10 commandments on how to work with clients

In his book “Clients for Life,” Karl shares with the reader his personal experience in building a stable and highly profitable business. For thirty years, he has increased his capital by almost 50 times. The book itself is interesting. Some thoughts are paradoxical. Basic ideas can be stated in your own words, conditionally ...

10 things that infuriate people just like the sound of breaking foam

Perhaps you have naturally “iron” nerves. Of course, we are all different, but there are situations in which most of us lose our temper. We present the top 10 most annoying situations, in comparison with which a broken heel on a first date or a sudden attack of diarrhea on an important ...

10 brain traps that distort our reality

Psychologists say that people look at the same things in different ways. Let's talk about the most common traps for the brain, into which at least once everyone fell. 10. Functional fixation This psychological phenomenon was discovered and then described by Karl Dunker. Functional tightness ...

10 most common things that pull us down

Each person sets himself some goals. If there is a coincidence, you should work on yourself, revise your worldview. 10. The desire to constantly prove his case If a person is sure that he is always and in everything right, it is difficult to agree with him in the future to cooperate. Such ...

10 oddities in our behavior that have a scientific explanation

Do you like to bite people? Or did you notice the habit of choosing an outfit for a meeting for two hours? Or maybe you always get in the longest line at the store? If you noticed at least one of the oddities behind you, then in our top 10 you will find a bunch more of these. And besides, with scientific ...

10 signs that a girl is really crazy

When a man wants to compliment his woman, he often calls her crazy. It is clear that such a person is not suitable for serious relationships and, especially, for creating a family. It will be better if the man realizes that in front of him is not quite an adequate person, as early as possible. This is not true ...

10 signs that you have a roof

Recently, there are more and more people who are not all right with their heads. If some of them are familiar to you, hurry up for a consultation with a psychiatrist or at least a psychologist. 10. All your free time you spend discussing more stupid people. If you constantly taunt ...

10 questions you need to answer to change your life

Each person experiences periods when he is acutely aware of the need for change. Only after receiving an honest result will a person understand in which direction he should move on. Important: when searching for answers to these questions, there should be no shadow of self-flagellation. It is sincere ...

10 types of women to avoid

There is a stereotype that only women dream of a serious relationship, family and children. And if a man has never been a Don Juan and does not understand women at all? Girls are very insidious creatures, they can powder the brain to anyone. If you are in search of a soulmate, be ...

10 things we constantly forget

Every day you have to do hundreds of different things. This list is what we increasingly forget to do. 10. Drain the toilet. It seems that this skill has been worked out to be automatic. He visited the toilet room, clicked on a special button, washed his hands and you go to do business. But sometimes ...

10 facts about the most common nightmares

Sit back, because today we’ll talk about nightmares! Scary dreams, of course, the concept is very subjective. After all, for some it’s a nightmare to be naked in a crowd of people, for someone it’s a distorted inhuman grimace. For the third - the inability to move your legs when you need to quickly run away from ...

10 tips to get your break up as soon as possible

Probably, there is no such person in the world who at least once in his life has not experienced parting. Many begin to feel sorry for themselves, seek solace in alcohol, or begin to change partners like gloves. This period of your life can be greatly facilitated, however, you will have to try a little. First you need ...

10 principles of punishment that will not harm the child’s self-esteem

All parents in the world want a better life for their child. But you need to do this wisely so that there are no consequences. Children, who were severely punished in childhood, have a lot of psychological problems: they do not value themselves, they hardly build relationships with others. To prevent this from happening ...

10 gross male mistakes in bed

It turns out that men very often make mistakes in bed, which mainly affects the quality of sex. If you want to please yourself and your partner, to make your relationship even stronger and better, then you should find out about the most common and common mistakes in bed, which ...