Category: Psychology

10 tips to make children happy

Being parents is a big responsibility, and everyone understands this. But not everyone understands that they make mistakes in the upbringing of their children when, for example, they do not ask for their opinions or reason with them about the dishonesty of the next politician. We bring to your attention tips for raising a happy ...

10 outrageous acts that 99% of men do

Women and men are very different. You will understand that they are not alone and should not react so violently to ordinary everyday situations. 10. Men can not cope with a package of buns No, of course, a man can cope with buns, do not even hesitate. But he is unlikely to be able to open the package....

10 ways to manipulate public consciousness through the media

Noam Chomsky is a very popular political analyst, writer, public figure and linguist from the United States of America. He presented a list of ways in which the government manipulates the human mind through the media. 10. Distract This Citizen Management Method ...

10 signs that you are empathic

Empathy is called empathy for a person’s emotional state. There are signs by which you can find out if you have developed this ability. 10. You are very sensitive. About 20 people are hypersensitive. This is an innate feature of a person that he himself cannot change. Feature ...

10 signs that your life is slowly going downhill

But have you been haunted by a constant sense of deja vu recently? Yes, not one that was accidental once, but such an obsessive, drawn-out, daily ... The same people, the same actions, the same inaudible, dim sensations every day, week after week, month after month. Then something ...

10 terrible parental phrases that it's time to ban

Parents wish their children the very best. And if he doesn’t, then his father’s words will torment him all his life. The fact is that children perceive the words of their parents in a completely different way. If you do not want this situation to happen again with your child, think before you say something. Remember ...

10 types of hidden self-destruction that poison our lives

A person is used to thinking that the bad events occurring in his life are dictated by fate. If you find something from this list, you will understand what needs to be changed in your life. 10. Throw hobbies. Are you familiar with such situations in life when you have burnout? One side, ...

10 phrases you should not say to pregnant

Even if a couple is consciously preparing for the birth of a child, pregnancy is not the best period in a woman's life. Or at least remember 10 phrases that pregnant women should not say. 10. Wow! What a waist your girlfriend has! Never compliment other women in the presence of ...

10 things our mothers don’t tell us about

The older the children become, the more they move away from their parents. May the pope forgive us, we will devote this article to mothers. 10. You made her cry ... many times you have not yet been born, but she already cried because of you. Many women cry when they see a positive pregnancy test. From ...

10 conclusions about marriage from experienced women

In films, romantic stories often look exactly the same: newlyweds glowing with happiness, flowers, a white dress of the bride ... However, young lovers of such plots do not always think about what spouses in love with each other have to face after the wedding. We offer ...

10 discoveries that a man will make by becoming a father

It happened! Behind the vagaries of a pregnant wife, endless shopping rush in search of strollers, cribs and other items, the existence of which you had not even guessed before. He’s already mentally prepared for something, but something becomes a complete surprise for him. 10. Sleep became the first ...

10 things that mentally strong people refuse

Psychologists believe that the inner harmony of man, to which we all strive so much, and his mental strength are directly dependent on each other. They are focused on managing their thoughts and emotions, so these people try not to do 10 things that can imbalance ...

10 mistakes that will break your daughter's life

No matter what people say that a person is the master of his life, a lot depends on upbringing. So, if you are the mother of a beautiful girl, raise a future woman, do not make the most common mistakes that ruin her life. 10. You have to be ... As soon as the girl starts ...

10 things to get rid of before the New Year

There is not much time left before the New Year. Just get rid of 10 things that pull you back, take away your energy and strength. 10. People with whom you are not on the way. They are surrounded by everyone. These are friends, colleagues, acquaintances or even relatives. You used to communicate well, but now ...

10 things happy people do differently

Happiness is not directly related to material well-being and other factors. To be successful at work and in your personal life, follow these simple guidelines. 10. Express gratitude. This simple way makes you feel happier. In 2002, Professor Martin Seligman ...

10 rules of life that I would like to know about in my youth

In youth, people relate to life with ease. We present to your attention the top 10 rules of life that we would like to know about in our youth. 10. People around you are sources of information. Perhaps now you are focused only on yourself. You are worried about your own experiences, you do not care ...

10 reasons to never give up

There is no success without defeat. People would not strive for anything, there would be many inventions, knowledge and discoveries. If you reason as well, you are unlikely to succeed. Want to change your life, learn to overcome obstacles. If you don’t have enough motivation to overcome them, this article ...

10 strong words that change the fate of a woman

Did you know that to achieve success in life and inner harmony, external efforts alone are not enough? The settings with which you go through life are also very important. Here are 10 words that can change the life of any woman for the better. 10. Luck No matter what they say, but a lot ...

10 tips to increase productivity

How often do we catch ourselves thinking that we constantly live “on the run”, try to redo a bunch of things at the same time, and still don't have time to do anything. Here are some tips to help you better deal with all your work and home tasks. 10. Record all things. Even if you have “not a head, ...