Category: Science and technology

TOP 10 leading manufacturers of tractors for agriculture in the world

Agronomy and the agricultural sector feed 7.6 billion people living on our planet right now. The growth of population and demand for agricultural products stimulates the development of new technologies that automate the entire process of planting and harvesting. Tractors are universal transport ...

TOP 10 exciting discoveries related to fluorescence

Luminescence is more than luminous toys and firefly insects that haunt us in childhood. The process of fluorescence, absorbing light, has become one of the most mysterious natural phenomena that have prompted mankind to many discoveries. Mysterious "radiance" in recent years may appear ...

TOP 10 types of deadly medieval weapons

The Middle Ages is a cruel period in the history of mankind. It lasted from the VI century to the XVI AD, it began with the fall of the Roman Empire and ended by the Renaissance. Medieval weapons have evolved significantly during this time. The peoples constantly sought to improve weapons in order to surpass ...

Top 10 best professional cameras of 2018

Do not compromise in the fight for picture quality? No problems. Here are the top ten cameras that deliver the perfect picture. Even in the world of professional photographs, which at one time was dominated by full-frame SLR and medium format cameras, it becomes clear that ...

The best inventions of Leonardo Da Vinci, ahead of time

The name of the legendary Leonardo da Vinci is forever associated with his imperishable paintings “Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper”, decorating the Dominican monastery in Milan. But this was truly a man of encyclopedic knowledge, who became famous in various fields of science, including physics, biology, ...

Rating of the safest aircraft in the world

Each of us has repeatedly wondered whether it is safe to fly a plane. According to world transport statistics, air traffic is the safest of all modes of transport. However, safety is affected by many factors, the main of which is the deterioration of the air ...

What are terrestrial planets? Classification and examples

Today, astronomy is experiencing another round of development. New discoveries occur with increasing frequency. The number of planets discovered outside the solar system is already in the thousands. And these are only confirmed planets, not counting possible candidates. To systematize the discovered planets ...

Largest mining trucks

The mining industry, along with oil production, at the present stage of the development of Mankind remains the most important, because without the most valuable minerals other sectors of the economy cannot fully develop. Mining of minerals is a rather complex and high-tech process requiring ...

Recent Plane Crashes: Terrible crashes in recent years

From the first steps in the development of aviation, aircraft designers paid attention not only to the aerodynamic qualities of aircraft, but also to the safety of the crew and passengers. And the safety of passenger aircraft is doubly necessary. Surely many wondered whether it is dangerous to fly on airplanes, because every year we ...

The largest satellites in the world

The complex structure of the cosmos and the processes taking place in the depths of the Universe, man began to learn in ancient times. Many secrets have already been revealed, but cosmos still keeps most of its mysteries in its remote corners. In our short review, we already know the knowledge about space objects, which ...

The largest and most powerful trucks in the world

Since the company Gottlieb Daimler launched the first truck in 1896, they have become indispensable in the transportation of various cargoes, and real helpers in all spheres of human life. Today, there are thousands of truck modifications that vary in configuration, power, ...

The largest excavators in the world

At modern construction sites, the development of mineral resources, and the laying of large pipelines, you can find a variety of equipment, but most of all, excavators amaze with their power and size. These earth moving machines are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and mechanisms, and due to this they can carry out various ...

The most powerful binoculars in the world

The name of an optical device of two parallel-located telescopes in translation from Latin literally sounds like “two eyes”. Indeed, with binoculars you can see a stereoscopic image with two eyes. In everyday life, such a device is not very important, but indispensable ...

TOP 10 of the largest cruise liners in the world

Almost 500 years ago, the first round-the-world voyage of Fernand Magellan took place, and one can only guess what trials fell on the lot of the first round-the-world travelers. But this was the case in the era of the first long voyages, today, setting off on a long sea voyage, man ...

The best sniper rifles in the world

The main purpose of a sniper rifle is to effectively hit a target at a great distance, and today in any army in the world there is a unit equipped with this type of weapon. In addition to the characteristics of the firing range, rifles should provide high accuracy and significantly increase the striking ...

The largest telescopes in the world

Like many concepts in our world, the word "telescope" came to us from the ancient Greek language, and literally means "I look far." And indeed, these optical instruments are designed to monitor distant objects in the distant expanses of Cosmos. The first simple telescopes appeared at the beginning ...

Big list of the largest airlines in the world

Every year, international organizations and various public organizations compile a rating of airlines, conduct surveys to determine the best of the best. This is quite difficult, as thousands of companies are involved in air transportation. But it all began in 1913, when Igor Sikorsky ...

Theories about the universe that will blow your brain 💥

Our world is fraught with many mysteries. For millennia, people have been trying to figure out how the universe is nevertheless structured, by what laws it develops, where its beginning and what will be its end. We have prepared for you amazing theories about the universe that you may not know. Of course, this is just ...

The most powerful crossbows in the world

The word “crossbow” came to us from the Latin language and consists of two words “arcus” - an arc and “ballisto” - I drop it, and today such a crossbow is quite a popular weapon among hunters around the world, which is also used for entertainment. One of its advantages, of course, is its noiselessness, ...

The biggest engines made by man

Mankind has been using devices that convert any type of energy into mechanical work for quite some time. For example, the first engine in history can be considered a sail, which will flow for more than 7 thousand years. The name for such converting devices was borrowed in German - German ...