Category: Society

10 most interesting facts about our world

Modern man daily absorbs the amount of information that, for example, a resident of the Middle Ages in his entire life has known. And the more knowledge we get, the less time we have left to process or memorize it. It would probably be very useful to invent a method for obtaining ...

10 tips for surviving the zombie apocalypse

The title of the article immediately attracts attention with its fantasy. Also in theory, the appearance of mutating species of animals and people that will become dangerous to society. Therefore, we will not relate very seriously to this problem and try to really give an answer to the ...

10 facts that prove that everyone is simply obliged to have friends

Since childhood, each person has their own concept of friendship. We consider the last variant of friendship to be the most healthy and correct, and the scientific world agrees with us. Scientists from various countries have studied friendship for many decades and have come to the conclusion that its quality can affect not only our ...

10 things you can't brag about

Our people rarely have something in abundance, rather the opposite. Through hard work, we “grow” our careers and business all our lives, develop and use useful contacts, and also try to spend our free time as fun as possible. People who have “reached the bottom” for success are often unable to eradicate. ...

10 professions that are not affected by the law on pension reform

Changes in the pension system are a rather controversial recent event. About 10 professions that pension reform will not affect and will be discussed in this article. 10. Underground miners The professions in this section relate to particularly dangerous and difficult professions. Term ...

10 places where you risk losing your engagement ring

An engagement ring is a symbol of matrimony. And now the top 10 places in which the risk of losing or ruining the ring is the greatest. 10. During bathing A large number of men and women lose their rings precisely on vacation. Everyone loves swimming in the river, the sea, active games and sports in the water. And when a person ...

10 most beautiful wives of Russian oligarchs

Most people are used to thinking that oligarchs only take supermodels as their wives. But the 10 most beautiful wives of Russian oligarchs can boast of this. 10. Margarita Lieva (Eduard Taran) According to official figures, Margarita Lieva’s husband is estimated at 800 million. But the owner of “Russian ...

10 signs that a girl is with you just for the money

The foundation of relations has long been not only love. Below is a list of signs that your girlfriend is with you just because of money. 10. Asks her to buy things. She keeps saying that she needs a new dress, bag, and jeans. Suspiciously often her heels on shoes break, in the third ...

10 strangest and most unusual superstitions in the world

Superstition. So, a dozen of the strangest and most unusual superstitions from around the world. 10. In Spain, the bad day is Tuesday, 13th. If Monday is traditionally cursed in Russia, the Spaniards glance at the second day of the week. There is even a research paper authored by Marcos on this subject. ...

10 most high-profile scams in the history of mankind

To provide for themselves, people are forced to work. Below is a list of the most high-profile scams in the history of mankind. 10. Rob Pilatus and Fabrice Morvan - a duet who can not sing Duet Milli Vanilli was created in 1988. Rob Pilatus and Fabrice Morvan were very popular, they got a lot ...

10 proven ways to contact ghosts

People have long been interested in the afterlife. Below are 10 proven ways that will definitely help you connect with ghosts. 10. Spiritual board. This variant of interaction with otherworldly signs is familiar to everyone since school. The board is a circle, the letters are written around its circumference ...

10 cleaning tips that don't really work

Each of us received “valuable” advice from parents and grandmothers on how to use improvised means, as well as products and dubious chemistry for cleaning. Not to mention the risk of provoking an acute allergic reaction to volatile reagents up to Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock. If a ...

10 simple steps to help you get rid of poverty

It often happens that a person works, receives a normal salary, but money is sorely lacking. But, despite all efforts, material well-being is in no hurry to settle in his house. Causes of poverty in habits. This will help 10 steps that will relieve poverty. 10. Love ...

10 new laws that came into force on July 1, 2018

And again, the government pleases the people of the country with its new laws. Thanks to these laws, prices for housing and communal services, communications, Internet will rise, fines for drivers will increase, working conditions for entrepreneurs will be tightened, some conditions in the labor law will change, and much more will change ...

10 best names for a boy by horoscope for 2018

In anticipation of the birth of a child, future parents have much to do. Their negative qualities are frivolity, grouchy, lack of tolerance. Below is a list of the best names for the boy according to the horoscope for 2018. 10. Leonid. This is a Greek name. They translate it as “Similar ...

10 best names for a girl by horoscope for 2018

Parents begin to choose a name for the baby long before their birth. By the name of a person, one can say about his character. 10. Alexandra The female name of Alexander is derived from the male name of Alexander and has Greek roots. The name is interpreted as "protector". Alexander's name is associated ...

10 things to help you get through any job interview

In the old days, in order to hire a worker, the owners seated him at the table and offered to have lunch with them. Today, in the selection of personnel, completely different methods are used, aimed at identifying many qualities and skills that a potential employee possesses. If you go to a meeting with the director, ...

10 habits of people who always have perfect order at home

How often do we observe a situation where others are in perfect cleanliness and pleasing to the eye, and we have a real mess at home. If you are a person who constantly apologizes for the mess, and unexpected guests are terrified, then read this useful article. Each neat has ...

10 things an ideal husband does

When the relationship lasts a long time, the man and woman begin to relate to each other in a different way. To figure out how it differs from the average average will help a list of things that only an ideal husband agrees to do. 10. Consult with you. For women it means a lot....