Category: Psychology

Top 10 Hidden Stress Alarms

A huge number of people every day are exposed to factors that trigger the development of stress. It will not occur to each of us to associate various ailments with a severe psycho-emotional state. However, there are reliable data obtained in the course of many clinical studies, ...

10 signs of a strong and healthy relationship

Almost all people need strong love relationships that bring only joy, not disappointment and a feeling of emptiness. After reading this article, you will learn about what constitutes true love. 10. You can speak with a partner in his language of love. Very ...

10 things that push people away when they first meet

The first minutes of acquaintance are very important. This will help you in this list of 10 things that repel at the first meeting. 10. You are too disinterested You are struggling to please a new acquaintance. But he not only does not show sympathy for you, but tries as quickly as possible ...

10 signs that you are addicted

The formation of any addiction (whether it is alcohol, smoking, drugs or computer games) occurs according to a similar algorithm. If he systematically follows the second path, then he will very soon develop an addiction. We give you 10 main signs of addiction. If most ...

10 “harmless” habits that destroy even the strongest marriages

Many people think that family relationships strengthen over time on their own, without any efforts from spouses, but this is not so. After reading this article, you will learn about what you should not do while living in a marriage. 10. Play husband and wife Many modern ladies can no longer without ...

10 interesting scientific facts about flirting

If you treat flirting simply as an easy communication, he will only please. In this article we will consider 10 interesting scientific facts about flirting, which not all people know about. 10. “Rejuvenates” relationships. People who maintain a romantic relationship for many years, ...

10 signs of a bad girlfriend from friendship with which only harm

Everyone is subject to changes in character. It is worth understanding the signs of a bad girlfriend and immediately breaking up with her. 10. Calls at any time of the day with a request to listen to her. Of course, we all sometimes need to cry in a loved one’s vest. When in life happen ...

10 important rules of healthy selfishness in relationships

When we fall in love, our attitude changes. Even if your current world of a man in love seems perfect to you, never forget to think about yourself and love yourself. 10. Be your priority. In a relationship, you first need to think about yourself and only then about your loved one. If a ...

10 phrases that a person with depression should not say

Unreasonable fatigue, distracted attention, a depressed look, a dull look - when we notice these signs in a familiar person day after day, we understand that he is in a state of depression. But there are several phrases that in no case can be said to people with depression. ten....

10 methods of dealing with manipulators

You began to notice that other people began to control your actions? And now it’s not about someone’s super abilities, but about ordinary manipulations. If you want to learn how to effectively resist them, then check out our rating of the best ways to deal with manipulation. ten....

10 important things to teach a child under 10

A child is a big responsibility. We present to your attention a list of things that you should teach a child under 10 years old. List 10. Evaluations - this is not the main thing, the most important thing - knowledge 9. Do not be afraid to make mistakes 8. Do not be offended either by a bully or a teacher, anyone 7. Always say ...

10 reasons why you do not give expensive gifts

Many women brag to each other with expensive gifts. We will understand why the representatives of the stronger sex present valuable surprises to far from all their ladies. List 10. You do not know how to rejoice 9. Your value for a man is not obvious 8. You choose the wrong men ...

10 things that can not be forced to do a child

While the child is small, all decisions, one way or another concerning him, are made by the parents. They can lead to psychological problems or even health problems. 10. It is not known to apologize for what. From a young age, a child constantly hears this phrase. When he stepped on someone’s foot, ...

10 phrases that a child needs to say every day

Raising our children and communicating with them every day, we very rarely think about how they perceive us. There are several phrases that children should repeat every day so that they grow up happy. 10. You will succeed (I believe in you) In childhood, even small tasks sometimes ...

10 phrases that will definitely drive any man crazy

Unfortunately, not every woman has eloquence. At such times, you can use the 10 phrases below to help drive your chosen one crazy. 10. “Seeing you in the morning, leaving the shower what your mother gave birth to, I“ caught fire ”. Everyone knows that“ women love ...

10 Ways to Stop Intrusive Friendship

A very significant part of life for any person becomes his friends. But it is important to know how to competently and as painlessly as possible for another person to stop communicating. 10. Express your opinion. If you directly say that you do not want to communicate with a person anymore, then he will simply be offended or ...

10 phrases that push money away from you

Psychologists say that a person’s capabilities are limited or realized depending on a given algorithm at the very beginning of the path to the goal. If you are determined to never experience material difficulties, we recommend once and for all to exclude the following formulations from your vocabulary....

10 things every couple should stop doing

Over time, the relationship in the pair becomes completely different, not the same as before. This will help you in this list of things that every couple should stop doing. 10. Talk more than listen If you used to listen to your partner with your mouth open, now you don’t let him say a word. Most ...

10 sure signs that you like an introvert

It is not difficult to recognize an extroverted person in the crowd - he actively gestures, smiles cordially, starts conversations with everyone, and is ready to participate in any activity. But somehow you need to build a healthy communication. We suggest you make sure that the hidden inner world of the introvert ...